2023-02-15 08:16:26

It's important to keep your sex toys clean

For the ladies, it's important to keep your youny sex toys clean. Here's how:

1) Thoroughly wash your hands with soap and water before handling your sex toy. If you use a lot of hand sanitizer, make sure to wash it off first!

2) Get yourself a nice big bowl of warm water—not hot or cold!—and add some mild soap (like dish soap) to it, then soak the toy for about 15 minutes.

3) Rinse the toy thoroughly with clean water and let it air-dry on a towel or paper towel. This can take anywhere from an hour up to overnight depending on how quickly your toy dries on its own. If you're in a hurry and don't want to wait around, you can always use a blow dryer set on low heat to speed things up!

  • 名前:Huang
  • ニックネーム:lovevib
  • 住所:無回答
  • 性別:女性
  • 誕生日:1997-02-01
  • 血液型:O
  • 投資歴:2年未満