2023-02-15 08:18:10

So what does the proper way of cleaning look like

Let's get one thing clear: you're going to want to clean your sex toys. You don't want them to smell like a sweaty gym sock, you don't want them covered in dust and lint, and you definitely don't want to share a toy that's been used by multiple people (if it's not a shared toy).

So what does the proper way of cleaning look like?

First off, remove any batteries from the device and clean the battery compartment with soap and water. Then you can use a mild soap and warm water on the toy itself—simply run it under the tap or use a spray bottle filled with warm water. Be sure not to use soap directly on your toy or battery compartment (this can damage the material), but rather just run it under the tap or give it a quick spray from your spray bottle.

After that, let your hottest rose toy air dry completely before putting it away. If possible, let them sit out overnight so they're extra fresh for next time!

  • 名前:Huang
  • ニックネーム:lovevib
  • 住所:無回答
  • 性別:女性
  • 誕生日:1997-02-01
  • 血液型:O
  • 投資歴:2年未満