2023-02-21 22:27:46

There's nothing like a good sex toy

There's nothing like a good sex toy.

Whether you're looking for something to spice up your relationship, or just want to have fun by yourself, sex toys are a great way to get the job done. But there's one thing that can ruin even the best sex toy: germs.

Luckily, cleaning your sex toys isn't hard—it just takes a little time and effort. Here are some tips for keeping your toys clean and fresh!

1. Wash your hands before handling your toy.

2. Clean the surface of your toy with warm water and soap or toy cleaner (if it has one).

3. Apply rubbing alcohol or hydrogen peroxide to the inner portion of the toy and let it sit for 5 minutes before rinsing again with warm water and soap or toy cleaner (if it has one).

4. Dry off all surfaces of your toy thoroughly before storing it away in its original packaging or a clean plastic bag that has been disinfected with rubbing alcohol or hydrogen peroxide (or both!).

  • 名前:Huang
  • ニックネーム:lovevib
  • 住所:無回答
  • 性別:女性
  • 誕生日:1997-02-01
  • 血液型:O
  • 投資歴:2年未満