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2023-02-24 00:40:25
Sex toys are amazing. They can be great for solo play, or for couples looking to explore new things in the bedroom. But like any other piece of equipment you might use in the bedroom, sex toys need a little bit of love now and again to keep them clean and ready for action.

Fortunately, cleaning sex toys is easy! Here's what you do:

1. Remove batteries from your rose viberator before cleaning it. This is important because batteries can corrode and damage other parts of your toy if they're still inside when you clean it.

2. Soak your toy in warm water with some mild soap (like dish soap) for about 10 minutes. Then rinse thoroughly with warm water until all traces of soap are gone.3. You can also use rubbing alcohol to disinfect your sex toy if you don't have any mild soap around—just make sure that it dries completely before using again!4. To sanitize your toy after cleaning it, you can boil it for five minutes at high heat (make sure it doesn't touch the sides or bottom of the pot) or put it through an automatic dishwasher cycle on its lowest setting (again

コメント数:(0) カテゴリ:Health 00:40:25
2023-02-24 00:39:49
Sex toys can be a lot of fun, but they can also get pretty gross. Here are some tips for keeping rose clit sucker clean and safe:

1. Make sure you're using the right kind of lube. The best lubes are water-based and unscented, so they won't damage your toy or leave behind a sticky residue that could attract dust and dirt.

2. Wash your hands before touching anything else, especially if you're using a porous toy (like jelly or rubber).

3. Inspect your toy for any cracks or tears in the material, which could make it unsafe for use. If there are any holes, throw the toy away. If there aren't any holes but you notice an unusual smell or discoloration on it—or if it has started to feel sticky—take it out of circulation immediately to prevent bacterial infections from spreading between partners!

4. If you can't see any problems but still want to clean your sex toy anyway (for example, if you're sharing it with someone else), soak it in warm water with some mild soap for about 10 minutes before rinsing thoroughly under running

コメント数:(0) カテゴリ:Health 00:39:49
2023-02-22 21:19:52
Cleaning your sex toys is important, because it keeps them in good condition and helps prevent the spread of STIs. After all, when you're using your toys, there's no telling where they've been!

Here are some tips for cleaning your favorite sex toy:

First, make sure that you have the right kind of soap and water to wash your new rose virbator with. If you have an electronic toy, be sure to use a mild detergent.

Next, clean your hands thoroughly before touching the toy (you wouldn't want to get any bacteria on it). Then gently wash off any lube or other fluids from the surface of the sex toy. Make sure that you rinse everything off thoroughly so that no residue remains.

Finally, dry off your toy with a clean towel or paper towel before storing it away again until next time!

コメント数:(0) カテゴリ:Health 21:19:52
2023-02-22 21:19:17
Women's sex toys are not just for women, but they are a great gift to give your partner. They can be used to give your partner pleasure during foreplay and solo sex, or they can be used as a supplement to intercourse. Women's sex toys come in all shapes and sizes, so you'll want to choose one that works best for you. Here are some tips on how to clean your sex toys:

1. First, remove the batteries from your rose vibrator before cleaning it. This will help prevent any damage from occurring during cleaning.

2. Use warm water and mild soap or toy cleaner on the end of your vibrator that is inserted into the body (the part that goes inside). Cleaning this area will prevent bacteria from growing on your toy and causing an infection in your body.

3. Once you've cleaned it with soap or cleaner, pat dry with a paper towel and let it air dry completely before putting it away again!

コメント数:(0) カテゴリ:Health 21:19:17
2023-02-22 21:18:42
Cleaning your sex toys is an important part of the sexual experience.

Sex toys are an incredible addition to any relationship and can make your sex life more exciting and fun.

However, it's important to keep in mind that you need to clean these items after each use. It's not enough to just wash them once or twice a month, because bacteria can grow on these items if they aren't cleaned regularly.

Here are some steps to follow when cleaning your sex toys:

1) Remove batteries from any vibrators that have them before washing them. If there are batteries inside of the popular rose vibrator, then remove them first so that they don't corrode inside the toy while it's being washed.

2) Wash all parts of the toy with warm water and soap (you can use antibacterial soap if you want). Use a soft cloth or old toothbrush to scrub away any dirt or debris from between crevices and seams on your toy. You should also use one of these tools when cleaning around buttons and dials on your device as well as around charging ports for battery-operated devices.

3) Rinse everything off thoroughly with cool water after washing with soap - this helps prevent corrosion on metal parts such as dildos with

コメント数:(0) カテゴリ:Health 21:18:42
2023-02-22 21:18:08
You've got your sex toys, and you're ready to go! But knowing how to clean them is key.

Sex toys are made from a lot of different materials, so you'll want to be aware of what you're dealing with before you start cleaning. Here are some tips:

If your toy is made of silicone, glass, or metal, it's best to use water-based lubricant. Silicone-based lube can damage some silicone sex toys.

If you have a toy that's made of a porous material like rubber or jelly, make sure to use something like antibacterial soap or a sex toy cleaner. These materials are not compatible with bleach or vinegar—they could cause the rubber and jelly to degrade over time. If this sounds scary to you (because who wants their toy to degrade?), consider investing in an antibacterial soap specifically designed for cleaning sex toys—it's often more effective than regular soap at removing bacteria from porous material!

コメント数:(0) カテゴリ:Health 21:18:08
2023-02-21 22:28:54
Every woman knows that the clitoris is the epicenter of pleasure, but not all clit vibrators are created equal. Sure, there are tons of options out there, but what are the best ones? What do you need to look for when shopping for a vibrator? Here's your guide to choosing a clit vibrator for your next purchase.

1. Find a model that suits your body type. There's no point in buying a vibrator if it doesn't fit your body—and that includes your anatomy! The only way to know if a clit vibrator will fit properly is to try it on first. If you've got a small clit or large labia, look for a model that has adjustable settings so you can customize how much pressure and vibration you want directly on those areas without worrying about discomfort or pain during use.

2. Make sure the toy is waterproof! You never know when you might want to take your toy into the tub with you—or even just wash it off after use—so make sure the model you choose is water-resistant before buying it! This will ensure safe playtime even when things get steamy between sessions with other partners

コメント数:(0) カテゴリ:Health 22:28:54
2023-02-21 22:28:20
If you are in the market for a new sex toy, you probably want to make sure that it is clean and safe. The best way to clean your great sex toys is to use mild soap and water. You can also use rubbing alcohol or hydrogen peroxide. Make sure that you let your toys air dry before storing them away. Sex toys are a great way to spice up your sex life. But they're also a great way to get germs and bacteria all over your body, which can make you sick. How can you keep your sex toys clean? Here's how:

1. Wash them with soap and water before first use

2. Wash them after each use

3. To clean between uses, wipe the toy down with a clean towel or washcloth (and then wash it again)

4. Use condoms if you're sharing toys with others

コメント数:(0) カテゴリ:Health 22:28:20
2023-02-21 22:27:46
There's nothing like a good sex toy.

Whether you're looking for something to spice up your relationship, or just want to have fun by yourself, sex toys are a great way to get the job done. But there's one thing that can ruin even the best sex toy: germs.

Luckily, cleaning your sex toys isn't hard—it just takes a little time and effort. Here are some tips for keeping your toys clean and fresh!

1. Wash your hands before handling your toy.

2. Clean the surface of your toy with warm water and soap or toy cleaner (if it has one).

3. Apply rubbing alcohol or hydrogen peroxide to the inner portion of the toy and let it sit for 5 minutes before rinsing again with warm water and soap or toy cleaner (if it has one).

4. Dry off all surfaces of your toy thoroughly before storing it away in its original packaging or a clean plastic bag that has been disinfected with rubbing alcohol or hydrogen peroxide (or both!).

コメント数:(0) カテゴリ:Health 22:27:46
2023-02-21 22:27:11
When choosing a clit vib, there are a few things you need to consider.

First, you want to make sure that the sex toy is waterproof. A lot of people like to use their vibes in the shower or bathtub, so it's important that they're not going to short out when exposed to water.

Second, make sure that it has more than one speed! You don't want something where you have to go from zero to sixty in one second. There's nothing more frustrating than trying to find the perfect setting and realizing you can't get there because it's just too fast for your tastes.

Thirdly, think about what kind of material you prefer: silicone or plastic? Both are completely fine options (as long as they're waterproof), but some people just feel better with certain materials over others. If this is true for you, then make sure that your toy has those options available!

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  • 名前:Huang
  • ニックネーム:lovevib
  • 住所:無回答
  • 性別:女性
  • 誕生日:1997-02-01
  • 血液型:O
  • 投資歴:2年未満